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School Site Council

Court & Community Schools’ School Site Council Meeting

School Site Council

SPaS court and community schools must have a School Site Council to represent parents, students, community members, and school staff in the school governance process. The School Site Council exists to:

  • Review and analyze student achievement data,
  • Gather community input,
  • Help develop the Balanced Scorecard/Single Plan for Student Achievement (BSC/SPSA) and the school site budget, and
  • Monitor the implementation of the plan and budget.

The School Site Council members voted to continue the combined Court and Community Schools’ Site Council for the 2024-25 school year; per Education Code 65001 as one or more of the following conditions are applicable:

  1. Schools with a common site administration may operate a shared SSC if the school site has a pupil population of less than 300 (EC Section 65001[a]); or
  2. Up to three schools with a combined pupil population of less than 1,000 may operate a shared SSC if the schools have at least one of the following characteristics: a shared campus or geographic proximity to one another with similar pupil populations (EC Section 65001[b]).
  3. Pursuant to EC Section 65001(c), the composition of the shared SSC shall have representation from each group as required in EC Section 65000(c).

This decision was to ensure that our Court and Community Schools’ Site Council meet the required School site Council Composition for Schools which states:

  1. The principal of the school or his or her designee; classroom teachers employed at the school, selected by classroom teachers employed at the school; and school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, selected by school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers. The classroom teachers selected pursuant to this subparagraph shall constitute a majority of the persons selected pursuant to this subparagraph. (EC Section 65000[c][1][A])

SPaS School Site meetings are open to students, parents, and the public. We welcome your involvement!

Community & Court School Site Council Meetings